What is the world’s biggest problem in your view?

I ask this question at many workshops. Typically the audience goes silent for a minute or two as they soak it up. It’s not something we consider too often - not consciously at least.

What’s my underlying rationale for asking it in the context of our workplaces (and our personal lives, for that matter)?

Well, one of the very best ways to improve our workplace, relationships and reduce conflict, is to look at ourselves, and build our self awareness. If someone else is affecting us, it tells us a lot about ourselves.

The answer to the question isn’t the issue. We will all have our own thoughts on it. Take note of your own reaction to someone else’s view though. How does it affect you? Could you still work with them? Does their view devalue them in your eyes (not a big enough issue in your opinion, but certainly for them)? Does their view upset you? Make you angry?

Maybe we need some assistance ourselves…


Relationships Matter


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