Our Media SamplesPodcasts, articles, magazines, radio…


(TBP - To be published shortly)

Leading You, no. 194 with Julie Hyde

Inspiring Great Leaders, with Craig Johns (TBP)

Business Essentials, with Chris Ashmore

Magical Learning, with Danette Fenton-Menzies (TBP)

Yellow Shelf, with Johanna Fink

It’s a Mindset, with Emma Lagerlow (TBP)

Executive Health and Life, with Julian Hayes II

Move Your Mind, with Nick Bracks (TBP)


ABC Brisbane in studio with Kate O’Toole, August 31, ‘24

4BC Brisbane in studio with Spencer Howson

6PR, Perth with Gary Adshead, 4th September, ‘24

Radio NZ with Jesse Mulligan, 9th September, ‘24

ABC Radio Melbourne, with David Astle. 11th September, ‘24


Channel 7, The Morning Show, with Larry Emdur and Kylie Gillies

13th September, ‘24

The Written Word

HR Leader

HR Director

Fast Company

Governance Directions

CEO World

Smart Company

Book reviews

