Quotas for equality?
In my home, there is a philosophy. We know the world can knock us around from time to time. Your home is your haven away from it. You’re safe here, as are your friends. You can put your feet up and be yourself - and there’s no judging. That’s against the rules.
Everyone in the house has been brought up with the belief that they have the right to be whatever they want, to hold any position they want regardless of gender, but street-wise enough to know that the rest of the world isn’t all there yet.
It’s a perennial question, and one that arises continually. Female - male quotas for equality or not? The best person for the job, regardless? I make no judgement on it here but if an organisation has taken an approach to at least discuss the issue, I put this concept forward for consideration.
33.3 % female, and immediately 33.3 % male (yes, a quota there too). A quota for males? Surely it’s not required? I contend that it is. As the female ratio increases, the male ratio will start to reduce - an overly simplified concept I know but its proactive awareness at least (or a shot across the bow, whichever way we may choose to view it.)
The final third? Well that’s sorted out through a very strong corporate culture and education program. The genders bring different and unique benefits. We should treasure that. It could be that a good ratio for a particular venture may not be 50/50. Maybe it’s 60/40 or 45/55. Let’s find out.